The Story
The birth of Blanket of Stars
Angela L. Chostner, meditative artist + poet, with Amy Rush, death doula + medium, holding a Blanket of Stars blanket
As a practicing death doula, I serve individuals and loved ones as they navigate the end-of-life transition, providing fully personalized and compassionate support for whatever needs arise. In this work, just like life in general, sometimes issues pop that seem insurmountable. (They never truly are.)
During one such time, I asked asked the universe,
“How can I help comfort those in need of healing when I don't know what else do to?”
The clear-as-day answer was,
“Wrap them in a blanket of stars.”
And so I began working with this imagery in my own heart. I'd envision and pray for the most difficult of circumstances and characters swaddled in sheets of heavenly stars, contained gently by this Peace and vibrating with the nurturing light of Home.
As time passed, I shared this intention with others. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Friends said, “I can do that,” inspired by how simple yet powerful the directive was. Clients said, “That is so beautiful. I want to be wrapped in a blanket of stars, too." A few even started weeping in response, touched so deeply by the idea.
During one especially impactful client meeting, I suggested that my client try using my blanket of stars visualization as well — and then out of my mouth flew the question,
“Wouldn’t it be so beautiful to have an ACTUAL blanket of stars to wrap our loved ones in?”
And then into my mind flew the idea that Angela L. Chostner would be the perfect person to translate this imagery into reality,, knowing that Angela’s connection to the divine would be the perfect source to tap. The resulting work bridges challenges and healing, life and death, humanity and spirit — and embodies a wealth of meaning and messages in these ways.
There's so much more to the Blanket of Stars story (to all of our stories, really!)... Coming soon.
Until then,
Peace to you on your path.